Franklin Sandoval

Artista Visual, Ilustrador

CHAVÓN La Escuela de Diseño: 1994 Bellas Artes/Ilustración
Fine Arts/Illustration

Franklin ha realizado exposiciones en el Museo del Bronx; el Clemente Soto Vélez Cultural and Educational Center, en Manhattan; en el restaurante Rumba Cubana, Nueva Jersey, y en varias individuales y colectivas en el Comisionado Dominicano de Cultura de la ciudad de New York. Está trabajando junto al artista Miguel Brown en el proyecto artístico Caribbean: A Happy Living.

Franklin’s works have decorated walls of several restaurants such as the Corcho Wine Room, in Washington Heights, Manhattan. He participated in the illustrators’ group show New York City Visions, in Julio Valdez’s gallery, JVS Project Space, and his work has been shown at the Spanish Cultural Center in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Related Post : commercial real estate in New Jersey