All applicants as well as registered students in the full-time programs are eligible for financial aid. Scholarships for new students are based on artistic ability and financial need.
CHAVÓN offers several options of financial aid, such as payment plans, funding support and student loans through various Dominican entities, as well as a scholarship program bolstered by the Altos de Chavón Cultural Center Foundation. In fact, approximately 90 percent of our full-time students receive some form of aid, and about 70 percent receive need–based scholarships.
Many of CHAVÓN’s students receive scholarship funds from sources outside The School, such as organizations, employers or corporations. Since the purpose of this aid is that it be used for educational purposes, each student must report it to CHAVÓN and apply it toward his/her academic expenses. The School will consider the outside award as a part of the participant’s overall financial aid funding.
The following institutions provide student loans and funding platforms for CHAVÓN’s programs:
Fundapec le ofrece al estudiante hasta 4 años para el pago total de su préstamo. Al finalizar la carrera, es cuando el estudiante empieza a saldar capital más intereses. Los candidatos deben solicitar información y completar los requisitos durante su proceso de admisión a La Escuela.
Puedes visitar el siguiente enlace para conocer los requisitos:
Banco Ademi ofrece el producto ‘’Logros’’, préstamos para aplicantes a las Carreras Técnicas. Otorgan el monto total o parcial de la matrícula y buscan facilitar la admisión del estudiante, su permanencia y conclusión de sus estudios en el país. Deberás enviar un correo a Rocío Ferreiras con la cotización de la carrera de elección o escribir al whastsapp 829.961.4518
Puedes visitar el siguiente enlace para conocer los requisitos:édito-educativo-logros/
Banco Santa Cruz ofrece préstamos a un plazo desde 6 hasta 12 meses sin intereses. Solo deberás enviar al correo los siguientes documentos: Formulario de solicitud de préstamo fáciles, Cotización de la Carrera Técnica de elección y copia de cédula.
Cualquier tarjeta de crédito del Banco BHD León ofrece el servicio de “Cuotas BHD León” como método de financiación del Programa de dos años de nivel universitario. Esta línea de crédito otorga a los participantes un plan de pago de cuotas de 3 o 6 meses sin intereses. Al presentante en caja en el Departamento de registro de la Escuela solo debes decir al personal de cobro que deseas dividir el pago en el tiempo en 3 o 6 meses.
Entidad de desarrollo enfocada en el crédito educativo para impulsar el conocimiento en estudiantes, profesionales y centros de formación de la República Dominicana ofrece al interesado un préstamo educativo con una tasa preferencial del 10.67% anual.
Puedes visitar el siguiente enlace para conocer los requisitos
The Altos de Chavón Cultural Center Foundation offers scholarships for candidates of the Two-Year College Level Program that do not have the resources to fund their program. All applicants for admission to the two-year college level program may submit an application for a scholarship. The Office of Financial Aid awards scholarships to new students according to their artistic abilities and economic need. For students already enrolled, they are granted according to academic achievement and participation in class.
Prospective students of CHAVON’s two-year programs who request financial aid must file their financial application within one month of the time at which they submitted their application for admission to CHAVÓN. Their financial aid application will in no way jeopardize their chances of admission.
Applications are reviewed by the Financial Aid Committee according to criteria that determines an applicants’ need and their eligibility for the types of aid provided by CHAVÓN and will be considered after all admissions requirements (Portfolio, CHAVÓN challenge, interview, etc.) have been completed and the applicant has been accepted. The Committee will make every effort to notify the applicant of its financial aid decision within two weeks of the applicant’s acceptance date.
To view the application form, click here.
Priority Deadline, May 1: The Financial Aid Committee will make the majority of its awards by mid-May, and has instituted a priority deadline of May 1 for the receipt of financial aid applications. Applications may be considered, and scholarships awarded after May 1, but only as long as funds remain available.
Unless otherwise specified, scholarships are granted for a semester period and a new application must be submitted for each academic year. Students receiving financial aid must maintain satisfactory academic standing at all times.
Current students who have financial aid can always reapply for their following year by submitting the application for Financial Aid in the Admissions office, along with their GPA score. This also applies to applicants who do not receive aid for their first year of study. Students must maintain a satisfactory academic average in order to be considered for financial aid during the next semester.