Ian Víctor, an incomparable creative, at the helm of our Communication Design Technical Major

Considered a “fourth bat” in art direction in the Dominican Republic, Ian Víctor is also known for his famous “bionic eye” for detecting whether things are straight, talents that today he puts in the service of Modafoca, a design, creativity, and culture agency he created in 2004 together with the artist Jorge González.

But this sort of artistic superpower, which he carries in his DNA—probably inherited from his father, the singer–songwriter Víctor Víctor—and which he developed while studying at the CHAVÓN School of Design as well as at New York’s Parsons School of Design and at the University School of Design and Engineering of Barcelona (Elisava), is complemented by a wide range of abilities that stretch from illustration and design to art direction and animation.

Beginning in 2000, Ian’s professionalism and charm have left indelible footprints on the local and international businesses with which he has worked, among them Nice, Litmedia Productions, Cumbre Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi, and the CHAVÓN School of Design.

As for CHAVÓN, his alma mater, where today he is coordinator of the Communication Design technical major, Ian confesses, “It has been the most beautiful experience to come home, and an enormous source of pride to have the opportunity to give back to CHAVÓN a little of all it has given me. Added to that is what I’ve learned from the students, not to mention the teachers, who are professionals at the highest level.”

For this creative, “The eye, the hand, and the mind are the essential tools for any designer. CHAVÓN fosters sensitivity for design, builds the skills and techniques necessary for executing an idea, and helps students assume their role as agents of change with professionalism and responsibility.

As if it were pure palmistry, the lines on Ian’s hands have a meaning that is more than clear to experts: his destiny is to support emerging artists, national and international, as he has done since Modafoca, his multidisciplinary gallery space, where he gives his backing to those who have “something different to say” graphically.He does the same at CHAVÓN, where, through the Communication Design program, he prepares hisstudents to carry the design process with them with rigor. Of this he asserts, “We believe that this is the way to develop a critical eye for imagining, evaluating, and creating holistic and innovative solutions to all types of problems.It’s time to reinvent new futures, new possibilities.”  Related Post : commercial real estate in New Jersey

This enterprising man knows, through his own experience, that “a CHAVÓN graduate shines under any situation, given the rhythm and the intensity of the School, whose programs are practical and demanding.” Says this seasonedcreative, “CHAVÓN’s reputation, which everyone knows, is that it makes us resilient, adaptable, and, above all, incomparable!”