Mildor Chevalier

Fine Artist, Illustrator

CHAVÓN The School of Design: 2010
Parsons School of Design: 2012
Fine Arts & Illustration
Fashion Institute of Technology: 2016
MFA, Illustration

Through painting, drawing, or sculpture, Mildor creates scenes that explore human experiences, desires, and dreams. His aim is to situate the individual in a global consciousness, regardless of ethnic and social background. As a Caribbean person influenced by Haitian culture but now exposed to many cultures, he aims to explore artmaking beyond an insular framework.

Mildor has achieved international recognition, participating in solo and group exhibitions, juried biennials, and art fairs in important galleries from Haiti to Quebec, New York to Shanghai, Paris to Santo Domingo. His work is in private collections in the Dominican Republic, the U.S., China, and other countries.






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